Lower Parts Costs
- Standard frame motor
- Standard flame safeguard controls
- North American pressure vessel components
- Minimal routine parts consumption
Easier to Service
- Complete accessibility to fireside and waterside
- Large handhole cleanouts
- Hinged front door(s)
- Long-life gaskets
- Fuel and power lines do not interfere
Simpler to Repair
- No welded tubes
- No special watertubes or cast iron sections
- Easily welded steel plates
- No special refractory components
- Quickly dismantled
Complete Information
- Scaled Dimensional Arrangement Drawings
- Detailed specifications
- Plant tours and demo units
- User lists
Our Products are Continually Improved
Ask about X-ID boiler tubes for improved combustion efficiency.
Material Specifications
- SA-285-C boiler plate
- SA-178-A Boiler Tubes
- 2 inch tubes up to 300 BHP, 2-1/2 inch tubes over 300 BHP
- Class 3000 forged threaded NPT connections up to 3 inch
- Class 150 RFS flanges over 3 inch
- 1 inch minimum diameter stay rods
- 3 x 4 handhole openings, quantity in excess of ASME Code requirements
- 5 sq. ft. heating surface per boiler HP (Compak CF3 Series)
- Heavy 10 GA and 3/16 flue boxes
Extra Heavy-Duty Construction
Factory Test-Fired to Full Input Combustion
- Report included in manual
Factory Wired
- Strip for door entry
- Trim can face either side
Easy Rear Entry
- Minimum 16 inch hinged access door over 30 BHP